Breakfast Debunked - the myth of the most important meal of the day

How breakfast became the most important meal? … Marketing !!!

Marketing and breakfast

As many things once marketed and now believed to be the truth. The idea of making breakfast the most important meal of the day came from General Foods to sell more cereal. Consumers are very loyal to their breakfast; they eat the same thing almost every morning and therefore very loyal to a specific brand.

Breakfast is at the same time the most skipped meal of the day, not because these people choose to be unhealthy or are too busy. If they felt a need or urge to eat, they probably would. So, with all these people not having breakfast there is a huge amount of money to be made.

Before cereal, there was no routine for breakfast as we know it today.

Have breakfast or not to have breakfast

Nutritionists are also not certain about the benefits, having breakfast is not proven to help in weight management. Simultaneously a lot of people see benefits in intermittent fasting and the meal they skip is usually breakfast.

Be aware! Breakfast is the most sugary and marketed meal of the day and that does not make it the most important meal of the day.

Listen to your body, eat when you are hungry, not when you have an appetite.

Have a thought about your breakfast tomorrow. Maybe a reframe and do what is best for you.


Quitting a Bad Habit or Starting a good one